ESUMC Newsletter
February 2024
Dear friends in Christ,
Greetings from Bogota, Colombia! As a missionary of our United Methodist Church, over the past few years I have had the reponsibility and blessing of helping to organize and lead gatherings of my fellow missionaries serving in different regions around the world.
In 2023, two such gatherings were held, in Mozambique and Cambodia. In recent days, missionaries serving in Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, Eurasia, and the Middle East have gathered in Bogota, the capital of Colombia, for a week of worship, fellowship, renewal, and small group discussion. We give thanks to God for the 36 missionaries, plus their family members, who have come together for this time of spiritual growth. Please keep me and my fellow missionaires in your prayers.
We give thanks to God for Jerry Barton, who will preach and lead worship at ESUMC on Sunday 4 February. I will return to Vienna on Saturday 10 February, just in time for our congregational Talent Show! (See below for more information, please bring a finger food to share, and be in touch with Marilyn if you wish to share a talent during the evening.)
As a reminder, Holy Commuion will be celebrated on Sunday 11 February. Our observation of Lent begins with a service of worship on Ash Wednesday 14 February at 18:30.
Below please find articles and highlights about upcoming worship and fellowship events. I pray God's blessings on you and your loved ones, and look forward to seeing you upon my return to Vienna.
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

News from the church
Vienna English-Speaking

ESUMC music director Marilyn Brandl invites members and friends to share their talents on Saturday 10 February.
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Join ESUMC's new six-week Bible study, meeting every Tuesday evening during Lent.
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Our ministry to our neighbors in need continues every Tuesday through the winter season. Please join us!
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ESUMC young adult Daniel Mohr was recently commissioned as a UMC Global Mission Fellow.
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ESUMC members are invited to help reduce our climate footprint, and find new ways to make good use of our possessions.
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A summer celebration for members of all UMC congregations in Austria! The gathering will be held in Ennshof, Altenmarkt im Pongau, with the theme Spirituality in Daily Life. Flyers are available at church. Click to read more and register (in German).
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Vienna English-Speaking
Join us for a service of worship, with the sermon preached by Jerry Barton. Pastor John shall be in Colombia, helping to lead a gathering of United Methodist missionaries. (Holy Communion will be celebrated on Sunday 11 February.)
Bible texts
- Isaiah 40,21-31
- 1 Corinthians 9,16-23
- Mark 1,29-39
Holy Communion will be celebrated during the service.
Bible texts
- 2 Kings 2,1-12
- 2 Corinthians 4,3-6
- Mark 9,2-9

Bible texts
- Genesis 9,8-17
- 1 Peter 3,18-22
- Mark 1,9-15

Bible texts
- Genesis 17,1-7 und 15-16
- Romans 4,13-25
- Mark 8,31-38

Bible texts
- Exodus 20,1-17
- 1 Corinthians 1,18-25
- John 2,13-22

Vienna English-Speaking
Please volunteer with our ministry, as we provide warm meals, medical care, and legal assistance to the needy of our community. For more information or to volunteer, speak with Beate Eysinger or Pastor John, or email to
Please volunteer with our ministry, as we provide warm meals, medical care, and legal assistance to the needy of our community. For more information or to volunteer, speak with Beate Eysinger or Pastor John, or email to
We invite all church members and friends to participate in the annual ESUMC Talent Show. All are welcome to attend, and to bring a finger food to share. For those who wish to offer a talent, please speak with Marilyn. Pick up a flyer in the fellowship area for more information.
Please volunteer with our ministry, as we provide warm meals, medical care, and legal assistance to the needy of our community. For more information or to volunteer, speak with Beate Eysinger or Pastor John, or email to
Join us for a solemn service of prayer and repentance, as we receive the mark of the ashes on the forehead.
Please volunteer with our ministry, as we provide warm meals, medical care, and legal assistance to the needy of our community. For more information or to volunteer, speak with Beate Eysinger or Pastor John, or email to
Join us for Bible study every Tuesday evening during Lent, as we reflect on the seven last words of Christ. All ESUMC members and friends are welcome. Please contact Pastor John for the Zoom link.
Please volunteer with our ministry, as we provide warm meals, medical care, and legal assistance to the needy of our community. For more information or to volunteer, speak with Beate Eysinger or Pastor John, or email to
Join us for Bible study every Tuesday evening during Lent, as we reflect on the seven last words of Christ. All ESUMC members and friends are welcome. Please contact Pastor John for the Zoom link.