The United Methodist Church in Graz is happy to....

find you visiting our site!
We are a colorful, international congregation and are inviting everyone to join us.

Celebrate with us! 

Our Sunday services begin on  Sundays at 9:30am. 

And all our services are translated into English. As a rule, you can follow the Sunday service live via headphones. For children, there is a separate children's program starting when the sermon begins.

During the week, various groups and circles meet for Bible study and discussion. In view of the current situation, this is done mainly by video conference.

For more information, please contact the pastor!

The following rules apply to our Sunday services in presence:

Antigen test not older than 24h (but it does not have to be official), 2m distance, wearing a FFP2 mask throughout the whole service and no congregational singing.

There is the possibility of testing in church: Be there at 9:00am and you can also be tested there.

Wir feiern jeden Sonntag um 9:30 Uhr Gottesdienst.

Die Gottesdienste werden simultan auf Englisch übersetzt und für die Kinder gibt es ab den Lesungen eine eigene Sonntagsschule.


Unsere Gemeinden sind dazu da,

dass Menschen ihren Glauben leben können.

Franz W. Schäfer
Bischof der Evangelisch-methodistischen Kirche von 1966-1989

NEWS May - June 2021

Sunday service

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Our Team

This is who we are:

Image from Ute Frühwirth

Ute Frühwirth

Bezirksreferentin Gemeinde Graz

IBAN: AT73 2081 5000 0990 8245


Predigten Graz

Hier können Sie die Predigten der Gemeinde Graz nachlesen.

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