ESUMC Newsletter
May 2024
Dear Friends in Christ,
Greetings and peace to you! What a blessing it was to join together in worship this past Sunday to celebrate the music ministry of our congregation on Music Sunday!
We give thanks to God for the members and directors of our choirs, our accompanists on the piano and organ, and all who lifted up their voices and spirits in praise and thanksgiving to God. Most especially, we give thanks to God for Marilyn, ESUMC's musical director, for designing and organizing our service of worship.
It was also a blessing to see so many of our younger generation in church, taking part in Children's Time and adding their voices to our Sing Out Choir under Deborah's fine direction. We thank you, children and youth, for sharing your faith.
As we have mentioned, due to the growing number of children in our Sunday School ministry, we are seeking volunteers to serve as teachers and classrooms assistants. To learn more or to volunteer, please speak with me or our Sunday School coordinator Shelley Brauneis. Thank you for supporting this vital ministry of our church.
To the parents of our children and youth, please see the articles below regarding the closing of Sunday School and the celebration of our graduates in June, the dates of Vacation Bible School in July, and an invitation to take part in the UMC of Austria children's and youth week in August (for which the registration date has been extended).
May God's blessings and peace be with you!
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

News from the church
Vienna English-Speaking

We give thanks to God for a joyful Music Sunday on 28 April 2024!
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In worship on Sunday 14 April, our newest class of lay persons was installed into positions of congregational leadership.
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A new Bible study on the Book of Judges begins on Tuesday 23 April at 19:00 via Zoom. All are welcome!
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Daniel Mohr summarizes the recent Clothing Swap and Potluck, and outlines upcoming Young Adult plans.
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Help repair and restore our two historic instruments with your donations.
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In worship on Sunday 23 June, we will celebrate the end of the Sunday School year, and recognize and pray for our school and university graduates.
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Register now for ESUMC Vacation Bible School, taking place from 22 to 26 July.
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für Kinder von 7 bis 12 Jahren im Landes-Jugendhaus in Losenstein.
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Pastor, Kinder- und Jugendwerk

für Jugendliche von 13 bis 17 Jahren im Landes-Jugendhaus in Losenstein.
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Vienna English-Speaking
Bible texts
- Acts 10,44-48
- 1 John 5,1-6
- John 15,9-17

Join us as we celebrate Women's Sunday at ESUMC. The message for the day will be given by Doreen Ighama and Yvonne Ackwonu.
Bible texts
- Acts 1,15-17 und 21-26
- 1 John 5,9-13
- John 17,6-19
Bible texts
- Acts 2,1-21
- Romans 8,22-27
- John 15,26-27 und 16,4b-15

Bible texts
- Isaiah 6,1-8
- Romans 8,12-17
- John 3,1-17

The message will be given today by Tinu Aganga-Williams, as Pastor John will be in Graz attending the UMC in Austria Annual Conference. Holy Communion will be celebrated on Sunday 9 June.
Bible texts
- 1 Samuel 3,1-20
- 2 Corinthians 4,5-12
- Mark 2,23 – 3,6
Vienna English-Speaking
Join us for Bible study every Tuesday evening, as we reflect on the Old Testament book of Judges. All ESUMC members and friends are welcome. Please contact Pastor John for the Zoom link. (Please note: There will be no meeting on Tuesday 7 May.)
Join us for Bible study every Tuesday evening, as we reflect on the Old Testament book of Judges. All ESUMC members and friends are welcome. Please contact Pastor John for the Zoom link.
Please note--Bible study has been postponed this week. Join us again next Tuesday at 19:00. Please contact Pastor John for the Zoom link.
We Go Blues! Melissa Scherer is organizing a day trip to Burgenland to visit the workshop of the original handmade Burgenland Indigo Prints (Blaudruck), followed by a guided tour of the Blaufränkischweg to learn more about the famous Blaufränkisch wine of Burgenland.
The cost to tour the Indigo Prints workshop is €3.50. The Blaufränkischweg guided tour is free, with an optional wine tasting for €15 per person, and lunch at your own expense. More information is available at:
If you are interested in joining us for this day trip, please send an email to Melissa Scherer or to our church office (esumc (at) with your name, contact details, and number of participants by 17 May.
Join us for Bible study every Tuesday evening, as we reflect on the Old Testament book of Judges. All ESUMC members and friends are welcome. Please contact Pastor John for the Zoom link.