Skopje - Graz 1


"Welcome to Graz" was the motto for a 5-member delegation from Macedonia on Friday, July 21! The flight to Bratislava and the subsequent train ride to Graz worked well. And so we were able to pick up Pastor Laze and Emanuela, Simona, Jonatan and Luka at the main train station in Graz from which we drove them to church.
There we first had a delicious dinner and celebrated a small devotion with songs, prayers and texts together.
As a prelude to their visit, we then hit the road towards town. "A Friday night in the town" is something very nice in Graz during the summer.
And so we could not miss a first visit to the Schlossberg, which we then ended with a first evening tour of Graz.

On Saturday we left briskly after breakfast in the direction of southern Styria. After a nice hike we enjoyed a delicious meal at the Buschenschank "Bockmoar". Then, of course, we had a break before we played table tennis and table football with Missi, Emil, Jakob, David and Jonas in the evening.
An intensive day full of experiences and encounters!
First from the parking lot "Steinerne Wehr" along the Laßnitz River to the bridge and then up the pilgrimage path to Seggau Castle.
There: break, snack and group photo

Some simply walked along the Sulm to the parking lot but most have accepted the challenge and climbed to the Kreuzkogelwarte.
Steep, hot, exhausting - but always worth it, because the path and the view are beautiful.
Then an equally steep descent back to the starting point and then we drove to Wildon for our well deserved meal.

Monday separated and reunited on exploration and encounter. Our center is: Jesus, see cover picture!
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