Bake Christmas Cookies for the Wärmestube

Calling all ESUMC Christmas cookie bakers! Members of ESUMC and the Fünfhaus community are invited to bake cookies, which would be packaged into small Christmas bags to be given to our guests as a special treat at the 19 December Wärmestube Christmas party. There are usually over 100 visitors to the Wärmestube each Tuesday; as the German-speaking congregation will also be making bags of cookies, we are aiming for enough cookies from our congregation to fill 50 to 60 bags!
If you are not a baker, but want to help package up the cookies, you can help! We are happy to get cookies from local bakeries as well. Our plan is to have bakers bring the cookies on 10 or 17 December to church, when Melissa Scherer or Barbara Gibson will happily collect them. After church on 17 December, we will sort out the selection of cookies and fill the Christmas cookie bags, for distribution at the Warmstube on 19 December.
"If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry, and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday" (Isaiah 58:10).