Special Worship Services in the Season of Advent


You are welcome to join us for worship every Sunday during the season of Advent. Our services of worship begin at 11:15, unless otherwise noted.
3 December, First Sunday of Advent
Pastor John will preach on living in readiness, from Mark 13. Holy Communion will be celebrated.
Saturday 9 December (from 14:00 to 17:00)
Our children shall hold their final rehearsal for their Christmas pageant. At the same time, all are welcome to help us decorate our Christmas tree in the sanctuary.
10 December, Second Sunday of Advent
The children and youth of ESUMC will share the story of Christmas.
17 December, Third Sunday of Advent
The worship service will be a Service of Lessons and Carols.
24 December, Fourth Sunday of Advent
Pastor John will preach on the appearance of the angel Gabriel to Mary, from Luke 1.
Sunday 24 December, Christmas Eve (at 18:00)
We will celebrate Christmas with the proclamation of the birth of Jesus, the sacrament of Holy Communion, and the lighting of candles.
31 December, The First Sunday after Christmas, Youth Sunday
Pastor John will preach on welcoming Jesus, from Luke 2.
7 January, Epiphany Sunday
Pastor John will preach on the arrival of the magi to Jesus, from Matthew 2. Holy Communion will be celebrated.
For more information, contact the church office at esumc@emk.at, or see our website at www.esumc.at.