Support the Ministry of ESUMC

“What a difference a handful of coins can make!”
by Delia Viljoen, ESUMC Finance Committee chairperson
What do you do with all your small change? Do you keep them in your purse, in a tin, a bottle, or throw it all in a drawer? Instead, we can bring all our coins to church during the month of November 2023. A “container” will be available where all these small coins can be dropped in on Sundays.
The collection of the coins should symbolise our reflection that an individual is bringing a handful of coins, but being put together, the total amount can make a change in someone's life by, for example, being donated to the “Wärmestube” as part of our mission. To further this reflection, one can argue that when the monthly donations by our friends and members are put together, it makes it possible for ESUMC to be a place where we can worship, grow in our faith and take care of each other.
Our Sunday school children will also participate not only by bringing their coins to church, but also by decorating the coin container with paper "hands," further symbolizing how together we are making a difference in the life of our community.
And in the coming weeks, we shall send out the annual Estimate of Giving request. May you prayerfully consider your financial contribution to ESUMC for the upcoming year. We thank you for your support!