Support the UMC of Albania Early In­ter­ven­tion Center


The UMC of Albania invites you to participate in the 22 October Tirana Marathon for the benefit of the Early Intervention Center of the Methodist Diakonie of Albania - even from home.

Run or walk with us, wherever you are, for a good cause!

The Early Intervention Center in Tirana, Albania, opened in 2018. Children with behavioral problems and developmental delays are examined by a specialist and receive a therapy plan tailored to their needs. The children's parents appreciate the regular evening meetings to share experiences and receive expert advice from the therapists and the doctor for everyday family life.

This year, the Center hopes to raise enough money to hire a physical therapist.

For more information:

Bank account: IBAN AT57 2081 5000 0095 2523 (with note: "Early intervention”)

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