Thank you for Supporting ESUMC!


Dear members and friends of ESUMC, thank you very much for your faithful support of our annual Stewardship Campaign and special fundraising efforts for our Wärmestube ministry.
As of 10 December, we have received Estimate of Giving pledges from 21 ESUMC families. We are grateful for your faithful support of our ministry and mission for the year 2024. If you have not yet offered your Estimate of Giving for the coming year, you may pick up a paper form at church on any Sunday, or conveniently access the form online here:
ESUMC 2024 Estimate of Giving Form
Also, we thank you for your donation of coins during the worship services throughout the month of November. A total of 3,092 individual coins were collected, which raised €323.09 for the Wärmestube.
May God bless you for your generous support of the ministry of ESUMC!