Annual ESUMC BBQ and Hike


On Saturday 7 September 2024, join us for our annual day of hiking, eating, and fellowship in Grünbach, in the foothills of Schneeberg.

On Saturday 7 September, we shall enjoy a day of inspired hiking, great food, and warm fellowship in Grünbach, as Andrew Stones shall once again host our annual BBQ and Hike.

We shall gather in Grünbach at 10:00. A private bus has been hired to provide round-trip transport from the church to Grünbach, departing the church at 9:00. Please register with George Ackwonu or Franz Haslinger and pay in advance (suggested donation of €10 per adult, in cash or bank transfer) to reserve your seat on the bus.

Sign-up forms are now available in the fellowship area in church, indicating what food and drinks you are invited to bring to the event. Please complete this form and return it to an usher or place in the offering basket. Full travel information and other details are also available in the fellowship area at church.

Join us for a day of fine food and blessed fellowship in the foothills of Schneeberg!


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