Congregational Care at ESUMC


Dearest members of ESUMC,
As I have shared with you in worship, recently our Church Council has given its approval for the formation of a Congregational Care Team that would serve with me and our Pastor Parish Relations Committee in providing spiritual and physical care to our church members who may face a certain need.
The functions of the Congregational Care Team may include the following:
- visiting members who are in hospital, are in nursing or elderly care facilities, or are homebound;
- arranging occasional transportation to/from church for persons needing such assistance;
- providing relevant spiritual and practical support to persons in times of transition—a birth, illness, or death in the family; a loss of employment; or other significant moment of need;
- praying for community members who request intercessory prayers.
This Team would not replace the responsibilities of the pastor, but would augment the pastor’s role to help provide for the myriad spiritual needs of the community.
Members of the Team would serve in a voluntary capacity, for as long as able, giving as much support as possible. There would be no fixed terms or minimum responsibilities. The Team would be a function of the Pastor Parish Relations Committee. As pastor, I would be ultimately responsible for the ministry of the Team.
I encourage all ESUMC members and friends to prayerfully consider your participation in this ministry, for it is my belief that each one of us has spiritual gifts to offer others in our community.
If you wish to serve with this Team, or have questions about this ministry, please speak with me at any time.
With thanksgiving for your service, Pastor John