Take a Measure of God's Gifts During Stewardship Month

Have you looked recently at what the word “measure” means? “Measure” can either be a verb or a noun. For both of them there is a long list of examples. Here are just a few!
As a verb, measure can mean “to take the measurements of.” We all do this everyday in our lives. We can’t go through the day without measuring something, whether it is the distance of an upcoming journey, the ingredients in a favorite recipe, the level of detergent in a load of laundry, the minutes before the next hour, the number of to-do items on a work agenda, and so on.
Another definition of measure is “to evaluate” or “to calculate.” Before making an important decision, you need to evaluate the situation and make specific calculations about how to address the issue. Such careful consideration and calculation will hopefully lead to a good decision and wise choice.
As a noun, measure can mean “a course of action,” a specific “procedure,” or a “system” with standards, scale and units.
One of the tasks of the Finance Committee of ESUMC is to take the measure of the financial health of our congregation. At the end of each year, the financial situation of ESUMC is evaluated and calculated; according to measures of income, expenses, and running balance, a financial plan or budget is then prepared for the next year.
When we are measuring items around the house—such as flour, baking powder, salt, and other ingredients needed to bake a cake—we use cups and spoons to make an accurate measure. In the same way, when we are planning what gifts we shall offer in support of our church in the coming year, we also need to calculate carefully and make a wise measurement.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, we ask each household of the church to make a careful yet generous measurement of the resources you will share with the ministry of our church in the coming year. Based on your generous giving, our committee will then make a diligent evaluation of our budget and calculate a wise spending plan for 2025.
In worship on Sunday 17 November, the children of the church will pass out measuring cups and spoons to each ESUMC household, as a reminder to us to measure wisely and carefully.
Together let us take a good measure of the gifts that God has given us, and offer a generous portion of these gifts in support of the ministry of ESUMC!