Volunteer with the Wärmestube!


With the onset of colder weather in the new year, demand for the services provided at our Tuesday Wärmestube ministry has increased, with more than 100 persons coming each week for warm meals, medical care, and spirited Christian fellowship in our church hall.
We extend our gratitude to the youth of ESUMC, who spent several hours one recent Saturday morning cutting and preparing fresh vegetables to be used in homemade soups, cooked in our church kitchen each week and served on Tuesdays. Thank you, Noussi and our youth!
Please continue to support the Wärmestube by volunteering on Tuesdays anytime from 10:00 (to prepare the meals for serving) until 15:00 (to assist with clean up).
Also, due to the recent increase in demand, our current supply of canned goods and personal care items is now depleted. Thus we also invite you to bring to Sunday worship the following items: single-sized canned goods of ready-made meals (Reisfleisch, Gulasch, etc.), personal care items (hair and body wash, toothpaste, etc.) in small sizes, and new and used clothing in good condition.
For more information about the Wärmestube, or to volunteer, please speak with Beate Eysinger or Pastor John, or email to waermestube@emk.at. Thank you!