Spreading Christmas Cheer at the Wärmestube...with Cookies!

Together with the German-speaking congregation, we are again planning to fill small bags with Christmas cookies, to be given to the clients of the Wärmestube on 24 December. We encourage any bakers in our midst to make a dozen or two Christmas cookies for this project, as we need to fill 100 small bags! For those non-bakers, we also welcome donations of store-bought Christmas cookies. No need to package them up; we will make each bag an assortment of delicious cookies, so just bring any donations to church on Sunday 15 or 22 December. There will be a big plastic box marked Wärmestube Christmas cookies near the coffee hour area downstairs both Sundays. For further information or any questions, please speak or write to Barbara Gibson (bdgibson@earthlink.net ) or Melissa Scherer (familyscherer@yahoo.com). Thank you for your support!