Appreciation for the Vienna International Gospel Choir

Dear members and friends of ESUMC!
As some of you might already know, Sophie and I have decided that we cannot continue to look after the VIGC. Sophie - who has been our choir director since 2023 - can't manage to conduct the choir alongside her studies. For me it became too much to have the choir leadership alongside my work and other commitments. We are both very sorry and sad as well that we have to give up the choir. Absent the commitment of other choir members to take up the leadership, the choir has made the decision to disband.
We always enjoyed our time together with the choir members as well as the singing and the choir practices. It was a pleasure and an honor to be part of this wonderful choir for such a long time (as the VIGC existed for about 20 years).
We would like to thank all singers for their loyalty over the years and will always have fond memories of the many inspiring choir rehearsals, concerts, talent shows, coffee breaks, good conversations...and of course the friendly and loving community.
Our deep thankfulness and appreciation also goes to the church leaders and all other people who haven given their support to make the existence of the VIGC possible for such a long time.
The VIGC will have a big place in our hearts forever.
Sigrid Schulzer-Anusie, with Sophie Anusie