ESUMC and the Fünfhaus Gemeinde Will Host Annual Con­fer­ence


The annual meeting of United Methodist pastors, lay leaders, and members from across Austria will take place in Vienna from 29 May through 1 June, presided over by Bishop Stefan Zürcher. Join us!

Every spring, the pastors, lay leaders, and other members of the United Methodist Church gather in Annual Conference, to reflect upon God's work among us over the past year, and to discern how we may be called by God to serve our church and community in the coming years.

In 2025, ESUMC and the German-speaking congregation will jointly host this event in our newly restored sanctuary.

The theme of this year's conference is "Wir bewirken etwas! We are making a difference!"

Every congregation of the UMC in Austria will be represented by its pastor and lay delegate as elected by the congregation. ESUMC will be represented at Annual Conference by Pastor John and Simone Viljoen.

However, the Annual Conference is open to all, and members of ESUMC are invited to attend. In particular, the following sessions may be of special interest to church members:

  • Friday 30 May at 19:30. Informal conversation around the topic: "How are we making a difference in our church and community?" (You would also be welcome to join us in advance for a light dinner at 18:00.)
  • Saturday 31 May at 14:00. Small group discussion among congregational representatives on related themes of making a difference. (You would also be welcome to join us in advance for a light lunch at 12:30.)

The conference concludes on Sunday 1 June at 10:00 with a special joint worship service with the Fünfhaus Gemeinde, in English and German, with the sermon preached by Bishop Stefan Zürcher. ESUMC's African Singers and Drummers will share a special musical offering in the service.

Join us to celebrate the 2025 UMC Annual Conference!

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