ESUMC Worship Services in Lent and Holy Week


You are welcome to join us for worship every Sunday during the season of Lent and during Holy Week. Our services of worship begin at 11:15, unless otherwise noted.
5 March, Ash Wednesday. A service of worship with the imposition of ashes, starting at 18:30.
9 March, First Sunday in Lent.
16 March, Second Sunday in Lent.
23 March, Third Sunday in Lent.
30 March, Fourth Sunday in Lent.
6 April, Fifth Sunday in Lent, with the celebration of Holy Communion.
13 April, Palm Sunday. The children of ESUMC will open the service with the procession of the palms, and will perform special music in the service.
17 April, Maundy Thursday, with footwashing and Holy Communion, starting at 18:30.
18 April, Good Friday:
- 12:30 - An ecumenical service of worship, hosted by Christ Church Anglican, Jaurèsgasse 12, 1030 Wien;
- 17:30 - A service of prayer and repentance at ESUMC.
20 April, Easter Sunday service of resurrection and Holy Communion.
For more details, visit our list of worship services and events here.