ESUMC Newsletter
February 2025
Dear friends in Christ,
I pray that you are well, and that the first weeks of the new year have started with blessings upon you and your loved ones. It has been a joy to worship with you each Sunday, as we celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord Jesus and shine the light and love of God to the world around us.
With the start of the new year, we are happy to announce the resumption of two important ministries in our community life.
Soup Fellowship. On the second Sunday of each month through the winter season, following worship we shall celebrate Soup Fellowship. This time-honored tradition brings ESUMC members and friends together for a sit-down meal of soup and sandwiches. In sharing a meal, we are blessed to enjoy extended fellowship, meet new friends, and build stronger relationships within the community. We thank the Zahraman family for leading this ministry, and we welcome volunteers to help serve and your donations to offset the costs of the meal.
Youth Sunday School. On the third Sunday of every month, our youth aged 13 to 18 will gather during the worship service for a time of conversation and learning designed especially for their interests and needs. We are grateful to Noussi and her team of adult volunteers who will be leading these monthly meetings.
In addition to these ongoing ministry programs, please note the following events taking place in the next few weeks:
- a Young Adults Clothing Exchange and fellowship evening on Monday 10 February,
- our annual Talent Show on Saturday evening 15 February,
- our Charge Conference with Superintendent Pastor Stefan Schröckenfuchs following worship on Sunday 23 February,
- our Ecumenical Study Day on the theme, "Wrestling with the Angel," hosted at ESUMC on Saturday 8 March.
We welcome your participation in all of these events. More details are available in the articles below.
Finally, we thank Shelley and the children's ministry team of the German-speaking congregation for hosting a joyful Faschingsfest at church on 25 January. It was a fun afternoon of activities, games, crafts, and celebration of our children's creative costumes!
We give thanks to God for the spirit of joy and celebration in our community of faith, as we proclaim the love of God to the world.
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

News from the church
Vienna English-Speaking

Daniel Mohr invites ESUMC young adults to another clothing exchange and evening of fellowship on Monday 10 February at church.
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ESUMC music director Marilyn Brandl invites members and friends to share their talents on Saturday 15 February, and to bring a finger food for the meal following the event.
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All ESUMC members and friends are invited to take part in our annual church meeting immediately following the worship service.
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Join us on Saturday 8 March for "Wrestling with the Angel," a spiritual retreat to bless our Lenten journey, to be led by Father Ed Hone and sponsored by the ecumenical English-speaking community in Vienna.
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Our Wärmestube served dozens of meals to our neighbors on Christmas Eve. Join us in ministry every Tuesday throughout the winter season.
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Vienna English-Speaking
Bible texts
- Jeremiah 1,4-10
- 1 Corinthians 13,1-13
- Luke 4,21-30

The message shall be delivered by Simone Viljoen, ESUMC's lay delegate to Annual Conference, with Soup Fellowship following the worship service.
Bible texts
- Isaiah 6,1-8
- 1 Corinthians 15,1-11
- Luke 5,1-11

Youth Sunday School will be offered during the service.
Bible texts
- Jeremiah 17,5-10
- 1 Corinthians 15,12-20
- Luke 6,17-26

Remain with us following worship for the Charge Conference, the annual congregational meeting of ESUMC. Our preacher shall be Superintendent Pastor Stefan Schröckenfuchs.
Bible texts
- Genesis 45,3-11 und 15
- 1 Corinthians 15,35-38 und 42-50
- Luke 6,27-38

Bible texts
- Exodus 34,29-35
- 2 Corinthians 3,12 – 4,2
- Luke 9,28-36

Vienna English-Speaking
Please volunteer with our ministry, as we provide warm meals, medical care, and Christian hospitality to the needy of our community. For more information or to volunteer, speak with Barbara Gibson or Pastor John, or email to
Bible study will resume next Tuesday as usual.
The ESUMC Young Adults invite you to a Clothing Exchange event! Bring clothes you no longer need and find something new-to-you. All leftover items will be donated to the Wärmestube, which is especially in need of adult winter clothing, jackets and shoes. Light refreshments will be provided. Speak with Daniel Mohr for more details.
Please volunteer with our ministry, as we provide warm meals, medical care, and Christian hospitality to the needy of our community. For more information or to volunteer, speak with Barbara Gibson or Pastor John, or email to
Our Disciple Bible Study series on the New Testament continues via Zoom. Please contact Pastor John for more information or if you wish to join.
We invite all church members and friends to participate in the annual ESUMC Talent Show. All are welcome to attend, and to bring a finger food to share. For those who wish to offer a talent, please speak with Marilyn. Pick up a flyer in the fellowship area for more information.
Please volunteer with our ministry, as we provide warm meals, medical care, and Christian hospitality to the needy of our community. For more information or to volunteer, speak with Barbara Gibson or Pastor John, or email to
Our Disciple Bible Study series on the New Testament continues via Zoom. Please contact Pastor John for more information or if you wish to join.
Please volunteer with our ministry, as we provide warm meals, medical care, and Christian hospitality to the needy of our community. For more information or to volunteer, speak with Barbara Gibson or Pastor John, or email to
Our Disciple Bible Study series on the New Testament continues via Zoom. Please contact Pastor John for more information or if you wish to join.