
Weißmann: Glaube und Werte bestimmen letztlich auch, wie wir in Österreich zusammenleben
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Gottesdienste und Veranstaltungen in ganz Österreich
read more Antje Klein tritt am 1. Mai ihren Dienst als Pastorin der EmK Österreich an.
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Änderungen der Recyclingvorschriften in Österreich
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Team Klimaschutz

With the damaged ceiling of the sanctuary now removed, renovation works will begin in January.
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We give thanks for all who contributed to our blessed worship services during the holiday season.
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ESUMC music director Marilyn Brandl invites members and friends to share their talents on Saturday 15 February, and to bring a finger food for the meal following the event.
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Our Wärmestube served dozens of meals to our neighbors on Christmas Eve. Join us in ministry every Tuesday throughout the winter season.
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