ESUMC Newsletter
September 2023
Dear friends in Christ,
Greetings and peace to you all! It was a blessing to be reunited with you in our service of worship this past Sunday. I am thankful to you all for your support and prayers as I concluded my period of mission itineration in the US. It was an honor for me to spend five weeks traveling in the US, visiting local congregations in four different states, sharing the story of our ministry here in Austria, and receiving inspiration from the faith witness of the local congregations I visited.
On behalf of ESUMC, again we offer our special and heartfelt thanks to the Rev. Dr. Tom Garrison for leading worship and preaching the gospel over these last weeks. Pastor Tom is a true friend of our congregation, and a faithful brother in Christ who joyfully shares his spiritual gifts with our community. Pastor Tom, thank you for your friendship and Christian ministry!
In this edition of our monthly newsletter, you shall read of a number of ministry programs and activities that shall begin in the coming weeks: our annual congregational BBQ and potluck (see the photo from last year, below), the resumption of Sunday School for our children, a short course for prospective ESUMC new members, a series of conversations about creation care and our climate, and a new Bible study series.
I invite you to take part in the life of our ministry and offer your spiritual gifts, for the building up of our one body in Christ.
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

News from the church
Vienna English-Speaking

On Saturday 7 September 2024, join us for our annual day of hiking, eating, and fellowship in Grünbach, in the foothills of Schneeberg.
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We welcome you to learn more about the ministry of ESUMC. A short course for prospective new members begins on Sunday 17 September.
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In worship on 17 September, ESUMC will take a special offering for the victims of the recent fires in Maui, Hawaii, USA. Marilyn Brandl shares a reflection on the Lahaina United Methodist Church community.
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Simone Viljoen invites ESUMC members and friends to join the conversation following the worship service on Sunday 17 and 24 September.
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Join our study series on the Psalms, every Tuesday evening via Zoom.
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Vienna English-Speaking
In today's worship service we shall celebrate the baptism of Noah Shewu.
Special music by the Chancel Choir, "In Remembrance."
Bible texts
- Exodus 3:1-15
- Romans 12:9-21
- Matthew 16:21-28

In this special service of worship, we shall open the Sunday School season with blessings on our students and teachers.
Bible texts
- Exodus 12:1-14
- Romans 13:8-14
- Matthew 18:15-20

Special music by Betty Asomaning.
During coffee hour fellowship after the worship service, join a conversation on the care of God's creation, led by Simone Viljoen.
Bible texts
- Exodus 14:19-31
- Romans 14:1-12
- Matthew 18:21-35

During coffee hour fellowship after the worship service, join a conversation on the care of God's creation, led by Simone Viljoen.
Bible texts
- Exodus 16:2-15
- Philippians 1:21-30
- Matthew 20:1-16

Bible texts
- Exodus 17:1-7
- Philippians 2:1-13
- Matthew 21:23-32

Vienna English-Speaking
Join us in Grünbach, as we shall enjoy a day of inspired hiking, great food, and warm fellowship.
We shall gather in Grünbach at 10:00. A private bus will be available to provide round-trip transport from the church to Grünbach, departing the church at 9:00. Please register with George Ackwonu and pay in advance (suggested donation of €10 per adult) to reserve your seat on the bus. Sign up in church to indicate what food and drinks you shall bring to the event.
Session one of a three-week course to prepare participants to join ESUMC as official members. Please speak with Pastor John to register for the short course.
Session two of a three-week course to prepare participants to join ESUMC as official members. Please speak with Pastor John to register for the short course.
A weekly study on the Psalms, led by Pastor John. All ESUMC members and friends are welcome. Please contact Pastor John for the Zoom link.