ESUMC Update
Mid-October 2023
Dearest friends in Christ,
Grace and peace to you! I bring you greetings from Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where this week I am helping to lead a gathering of my fellow United Methodist missionaries who serve in Asia.
While it is a blessing to be here with my colleagues in mission service, I look forward to returning to Vienna next week, as we shall make our final preparations for our annual celebration of Harvest Festival. Please join us in worship on Sunday 29 October for our day of thanksgiving, and bring a dish of food to share for the international buffet following worship. And as mentioned, we welcome volunteers to come to church on Sunday the 28th at 14:00 to help prepare the church for the celebration.
Below please find information about our new Young Adults and Young Families ministries, as well as details on upcoming worship services and study and fellowship events.
May God's blessings be upon you!
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Neues aus der Gemeinde
Vienna English-speaking
Vienna English-speaking
- 2. Mose 32,1-14
- Philipper 4,1-9
- Matthäus 22,1-14
- 2. Mose 33,12-23
- 1.Thessalonicher 1,1-10
- Matthäus 22,15-22

- 5. Mose 34,1-12
- 1.Thessalonicher 2,1-8
- Matthäus 22,34-46

- Josua 3,7-17
- 1.Thessalonicher 2,9-13
- Matthäus 23,1-12