ESUMC Newsletter
October 2023
Dear friends in Christ,
Greetings and peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus!
It is season of great blessings for the ESUMC community. This fall, we are receiving new members into our congregation, including children being brought forth for baptism and adults preparing to make their profession of Christian faith and commitment to our church. We have raised funds for missions in our own community and others in need far beyond our walls; below please see Marilyn's expression of thanks for the generosity of our congregation. We are launching new ministries with our children, youth, and young adults. God has blessed us richly, and the harvest is plentiful.
In that spirit, join us in worship on Sunday 29 October as we celebrate Harvest Festival! We shall gather in worship to sing and dance, offer prayers, rejoice with special music, and make our offering to God in thanksgiving for God's goodness. And following worship, we shall gather for a congregational meal, with food and drink from around the world prepared by our members. Please plan to join us in worship on this festive day (in your traditional dress, if you wish!), and bring a bounty to share with others. And in advance of the day, we invite volunteers to come to church on Saturday 28 October at 14:00, to help to begin to prepare the sanctuary and fellowship area for our Sunday celebration.
Lastly, we continue to request your references for a single room to rent (in a shared apartment, student housing, etc.) in Vienna for up to €500 a month, starting immediately. If you can offer or refer to such housing, please contact the church office at
In this season of thanksgiving, may you be mindful of the many blessings of God.
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Neues aus der Gemeinde
Vienna English-speaking
Vienna English-speaking
- 2. Mose 17,1-7
- Philipper 2,1-13
- Matthäus 21,23-32

- 2. Mose 20,1-20
- Philipper 3,4b-14
- Matthäus 21,33-46

- 2. Mose 32,1-14
- Philipper 4,1-9
- Matthäus 22,1-14
- 2. Mose 33,12-23
- 1.Thessalonicher 1,1-10
- Matthäus 22,15-22

- 5. Mose 34,1-12
- 1.Thessalonicher 2,1-8
- Matthäus 22,34-46

- Josua 3,7-17
- 1.Thessalonicher 2,9-13
- Matthäus 23,1-12