ESUMC Newsletter
March 2024
Dear friends in Christ,
In this season of Lenten prayer and repentance, I pray that you and your loved ones are well and blessed.
As you will note in this newsletter, the month of March is filled with a number of special worship services and congregational events.
In worship on Sunday 10 March, we will hear the word of God preached by our District Superintendent, Pastor Stefan Schröckenfuchs of the Fünfhaus Gemeinde. Following worship, Pastor Stefan will lead us in our Charge Conference, the annual meeting of the congregation, to which all are invited.
The following Sunday, 17 March at 10:30, we will celebrate a special joint worship service with our fellow Christians from the Fünfhaus Gemeinde. Joining us for worship shall be members of the UMC Central Conference Executive Committee who will be meeting in our building during the week. Our guest preacher shall be Bishop Stefan Zürcher, the newly elected bishop for our episcopal area. We ask ESUMC members and friends to bring a finger food to share during the fellowship hour after worship.
On Saturday 23 March, all are invited to participate in "Growing Together: A Study of First Corinthians," a spiritual retreat to bless our Lenten journey, to be led by the Revd Dr. Robert Kinney and sponsored by the ecumenical English-speaking community in Vienna. ESUMC is the host for this event; details can be found below.
Following the celebration of Palm Sunday on 24 March, the month concludes with Holy Week: solemn services of worship on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, culminating in the celebration of Jesus' resurrection on Easter Sunday 31 March.
I warmly invite you to participate in these worship services and events throughout the month. In the meantime, may God bless you and your loved ones as you continue your Lenten journey. I pray that your spiritual disciplines in this season--fasting, Scripture reading, prayer--shall bring you closer into communion with God, who has pledged to be with us and never forsake us. May this truth give us assurance and hope, and the courage to confess our sins and receive God's great gifts of forgiveness and salvation.
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Neues aus der Gemeinde
Vienna English-speaking

A summer celebration for members of all UMC congregations in Austria! The gathering will be held in Ennshof, Altenmarkt im Pongau, with the theme Spirituality in Daily Life. Flyers are available at church. Click to read more and register (in German).
mehr erfahrenGottesdienste
Vienna English-speaking
- 2. Mose 20,1-17
- 1.Korinther 1,18-25
- Johannes 2,13-22

- 4. Mose 21,4-9
- Epheser 2,1-10
- Johannes 3,14-21

- Jeremia 31,31-34
- Hebräer 5,5-10
- Johannes 12,20-33

- Jesaja 50,4-9a
- Philipper 2,5-11
- Markus 11,1-11

- Apostelgeschichte 10,34-43
- 1.Korinther 15,1-11
- Markus 16,1-8