ESUMC Update
Mid-April 2024
Dear friends in Christ,
Thank you for your support this past Sunday, as we offered prayer of thanks to our members who have completed a term of church committee service, and installed those members recently elected or re-elected to committee positions. We give thanks to God for all those who serve the ministry of our church, both on Sundays and throughout the week. Please see the article below for more details.
As I mentioned during the Sunday service, at present we are seeking volunteers to serve as Sunday School teachers and classroom assistants. In recent months, we have seen our children's participation in Sunday School steadily increase, which is a great blessing. However, we need more adults to help us provide instruction and supervision.
Please consider volunteering for this vital ministry. Feel free to speak with me or Shelley Brauneis, our Sunday School coordinator, if you have questions or need more information.
We invite you to worship with us this Sunday 21 April as the message shall be given by ESUMC member Daniel Mohr, a UMC Global Mission Fellow serving with the Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe. Be aware that Sunday 21 April is the Vienna City Marathon. Some streets in the area of the church will be closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic. To reach the church, take the U4 to Meidling Hauptstrasse, cross under the Linke Wienzeile, and walk north to Sechshauser Strasse.
And join us on Sunday 28 April as we celebrate Music Sunday! ESUMC choirs and special musicians will lead us in a joyful service, based on the theme, "The Presence of the Lord Is in this Place!"
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Neues aus der Gemeinde
Vienna English-speaking

Im Sinne ihres Engagements für die Bewahrung der Schöpfung laden die Jungen Erwachsenen der Englischsprachigen Gemeinde Wien zum Kleidertausch am Freitag, 20. April. Alle sind willkommen!
Vienna English-speaking
- Apostelgeschichte 4,5-12
- 1.Johannes 3,16-24
- Johannes 10,11-18
- Apostelgeschichte 8,26-40
- 1.Johannes 4,7-21
- Johannes 15,1-8

- Apostelgeschichte 10,44-48
- 1.Johannes 5,1-6
- Johannes 15,9-17