ESUMC Newsletter
December 2024
Dear friends in Christ,
Blessings and peace to you! With the start of December comes the arrival of the season of Advent, the time of the church year when we prepare for the coming of Christ. With joy and thanksgiving, we look forward and ready our hearts and minds for the arrival of our Lord Jesus, the light of the world, born in the city of David.
In this newsletter, you will find a listing of the special services of worship in this season of Advent, including our Children's Christmas celebration, a Service of Lesson and Carols, and our Christmas Eve worship with candle lighting and Holy Communion. All services shall be held in our temporary worship space on the first floor of the church, while renovation works in our sanctuary continue (more details below).
And please mark the date of Saturday 14 December; from 14:00 to 17:00, the children shall hold their final rehearsal for the Christmas celebration and will decorate our Christmas tree. All families are welcome!
Recently in worship, our Finance Committee gave thanks to our church members and friends for your generous prayerful and financial support of our ministry in 2024. We also extend our appreciation to those who have already submitted your Estimate of Giving form for 2025. We are thankful for the financial and spiritual commitment you have made to support our congregation in the coming year.
If you have not yet submitted your Estimate of Giving for 2025, you may pick up a form in the fellowship area in church, or make your statement of support online via this dedicated link:
ESUMC 2025 Estimate of Giving Form
Lastly, a brief update on the renovation works in our sanctuary. In recent weeks, the engineering team began removing the old ceiling. This work should be finished by mid-December. Starting in January, the work to install a new ceiling will begin. At present, we do not have a fixed timetable for the completion of the renovation, which also will include the replacement of light fixtures and other improvements to the sanctuary. Again, we thank you for your patience and cooperation in this season of rebirth and renewal.
I give you thanks for your faithful support of ESUMC, and pray God's blessings upon you and your loved ones in this holy season.
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Neues aus der Gemeinde
Vienna English-speaking
Vienna English-speaking
- Jeremia 33,14-16
- 1.Thessalonicher 3,9-13
- Lukas 21,25-36

- Zefanja 3,14-20
- Philipper 4,4-7
- Lukas 3,7-18

- Micha 5,1-4a
- Hebräer 10,5-10
- Lukas 1,39-45

- 1.Samuel 2,18-20 und 26
- Kolosser 3,12-17
- Lukas 2,41-52