ESUMC Newsletter
January 2025
Dear friends in Christ,
Again, I wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas! It has been a joy to gather with you in worship during our celebrations of Advent and Christmas, as we have welcomed the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We give thanks to all who made our Advent and Christmas services such a blessed time of worship.
And I pray that the start of the new year finds you and your loved ones in good health and Christian spirit. May God continue to bless you in this new year, as together we love God and love others through our words, our deeds, and our witness of faith in Christ our Lord.
In this month's newsletter, you will find additional words of thanks to those who have served our ministry over the past month, an invitation to join in upcoming worship and service opportunities, and an update on the ongoing renovation of our sanctuary.
In closing, on behalf of our Finance Committee, we give thanks to all who have pledged your financial, volunteer, and prayerful support for our ministry in 2025. As of mid-December, a total of 14 Estimate of Giving forms have been received from members and friends of ESUMC. We thank you all for your continued support of our ministry.
If you have not yet submitted your Estimate of Giving for 2025, you may pick up a form in the fellowship area in church, or make your statement of support online via this dedicated link:
ESUMC 2025 Estimate of Giving Form
As the Finance Committee shall draw up a church budget for 2025 based on your levels of giving, it is important that we receive your response.
May the love and grace of God be with you, as we enter into a new year of worship, praise, and service!
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Neues aus der Gemeinde
Vienna English-speaking
Vienna English-speaking
- Jesaja 60,1-6
- Epheser 3,1-12
- Matthäus 2,1-12

- Jesaja 43,1-7
- Apostelgeschichte 8,14-17
- Lukas 3,15-17 und 21-22

- Jesaja 62,1-5
- 1.Korinther 12,1-11
- Johannes 2,1-11

- Nehemia 8,1-3 und 5-6 und 8-10
- 1.Korinther 12,12-31a
- Lukas 4,14-21

- Jeremia 1,4-10
- 1.Korinther 13,1-13
- Lukas 4,21-30