ESUMC Newsletter
September 2024
Dear friends in Christ,
Greetings and peace to you! I pray that your summer season has been blessed. Thank you for your warm greetings as I returned to our church community last Sunday following my short holiday. It was a blessing to be reunited with you in our service of worship. On behalf of our congregation, I again offer our heartfelt thanks to the Rev. Dr. Tom Garrison for leading worship and preaching the gospel during my vacation. Pastor Tom is a true friend of our congregation, and we give thanks to God that this faithful brother in Christ is always willing to joyfully share his spiritual gifts with our community.
In this edition of our monthly newsletter, you shall read of a number of ministry programs and activities that shall begin in the coming weeks, including the resumption of Sunday School for our children, our annual congregational BBQ and potluck (see the photo from last year, below), and a preview of our fall Harvest Festival.
Join us in the month of September for worship and fellowship, as we give thanks and praise to the Lord our God.
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Neues aus der Gemeinde
Vienna English-speaking
The Central European University in Vienna offers two free programs to help Matura students complete their studies and adults prepare for university study.
Vienna English-speaking
- Hohelied 2,8-13
- Jakobus 1,17-27
- Markus 7,1-8 und 14-15 und 21-23

- Sprichwörter 22,1-2 und 8-9 und 22-23
- Jakobus 2,1-10 und 14-17
- Markus 7,24-37

- Sprichwörter 1,20-33
- Jakobus 3,1-12
- Markus 8,27-38

- Sprichwörter 31,10-31
- Jakobus 3,13 – 4,3 und 7-8a
- Markus 9,30-37

- Ester 7,1-6 und 9-10; 9,20-22
- Jakobus 5,13-20
- Markus 9,38-50