"Movember" Is Men's Health Awareness Month

Autumn has finally arrived in Vienna, a bit later than usual, but a welcome change nonetheless. As the world begins to celebrate harvest festivals and look towards the season of Advent, there is one important event that may not be as well-known: Movember.
Perhaps you’ve heard of Movember. Perhaps someone close to you has given up shaving during the month of November. You may not be exactly sure why, though. Movember is a campaign to raise awareness and raise funds to support men’s health. The main way awareness is raised is through the growing of moustaches for the duration of November.
Men’s health, both physical and mental, is often overlooked. A man succumbs to suicide each minute worldwide. Testicular and prostate cancer are major health problems for men. These are problems that can be solved. While not a simple task, unity and awareness are the first steps in battling men’s health problems.
Whether you normally shave twice a day or you struggle to grow peach fuzz over the course of a year, you can participate in Movember. The main way to participate in the campaign is to grow a moustache. Then, when people ask about it, you can inform them why you are growing it and how they can take part as well. This, however, is not the only way to get involved. Men and women alike can pledge to walk/run 60 kilometers during the month of November in remembrance of the 60 men that commit suicide every hour. Everyone is also encouraged to donate to the cause if possible.
If you would like to learn more about Movember, please speak with Daniel Mohr or write to esumc@emk.at. If you would like to participate, simply shave on November 1st or shave yourself a moustache and wear it proudly until November 30th. Feel free to keep track of the kilometers you’ve run as well and try to hit 60 by the end of the month.
If you or a loved one is facing mental health problems, please reach out to those close to you for support, including friends and family at ESUMC. We care about you and want the best for you. Speaking with people around you is crucial.
There are plenty of resources to learn more about Movember. Check out these links below for more information:
Movember info: Movember - Changing the face of men's health - Movember
Movemberlauf: Run a race in honor of Movember on 18 November. More info is available at Movemberlauf 2023 - ASKÖ WAT Wien
Crisis Intervention Hotline: Hilfe in Krisensituationen und bei Suizidgedanken (kriseninterventionszentrum.at)