ESUMC Newsletter
June 2024
Dear friends in Christ,
Grace and peace to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus, and greetings from Graz!
This weekend, pastors and lay leaders from all United Methodist congregations in Austria have gathered here in Graz for the Annual Conference of the UMC in Austria. ESUMC is also represented at this event by Simone Viljoen, our lay delegate to the Annual Conference, and by Doreen Ighama, our Church Council chairperson and member of the UMC in Austria leadership council.
It is a blessing for us to represent ESUMC at this national gathering of the United Methodist Church. In the coming weeks, Simone and I will be sharing news and highlights of the conference. We thank you for your prayerful support of this gathering.
As you will see below, here at ESUMC in June there are a number of special worship and fellowship events planned, as we celebrate God's love for us and for all God's people. Please join us as we not only open the doors of our church to our community, but also look for ways to take the Spirit of God out of the sanctuary and offer Christian love and care to others who need our support.
Finally, join us in worship on Sunday 23 June as we close the Sunday School year and celebrate our graduates. If you or a member of your household has recently graduated (or will soon graduate) from school, university, or other degree program, please contact me with the details. And may I remind our families to register your child(ren) for Vacation Bible School, to be held at church during 22-26 July; see the article below for registration details.
May God's blessings and peace be with you all!
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Neues aus der Gemeinde
Vienna English-speaking

für Kinder von 7 bis 12 Jahren im Landes-Jugendhaus in Losenstein.
mehr erfahren
Pastor, Kinder- und Jugendwerk

für Jugendliche von 13 bis 17 Jahren im Landes-Jugendhaus in Losenstein.
mehr erfahren
Vienna English-speaking
- 1.Samuel 8,4-20
- 2.Korinther 4,13 – 5,1
- Markus 3,20-35

- 1.Samuel 15,34 – 16,13
- 2.Korinther 5,6-10 und 14-17
- Markus 4,26-34

- 1.Samuel 17,32-49
- 2.Korinther 6,1-13
- Markus 4,35-41

- 2.Samuel 1,1 und 17-27
- 2.Korinther 8,7-15
- Markus 5,21-43