ESUMC Update
Mid-February 2024
Dear friends in Christ,
Greetings and peace to you all! Thank you for your prayers during my recent travels to Colombia to lead a gathering of United Methodist missionaries. We give our thanks to Jerry Barton for preaching and leading worship on Sunday 4 February.
This past Saturday, nearly 40 members of ESUMC gathered for an evening of joyful fellowship at our annual Talent Show. We give thanks to Marilyn for leading the choir in song (see photo below) and organizing the evening, and to all who participated and brought refreshments to share.
Tomorrow evening our observance of the Lenten season begins with our Ash Wednesday service of worship at 18:30 in the sanctuary. Join us for a solemn service of prayer and repentance, as we receive the mark of the ashes on the forehead.
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Neues aus der Gemeinde
Vienna English-speaking

ESUMC members are invited to help reduce our climate footprint, and find new ways to make good use of our possessions.
Freizeit der EmK Österreich für alle Generationen! Neues Quartier: Ennshof, Altenmarkt im Pongau. Themenschwerpunkt 2024: Spiritualität im Alltag
mehr erfahrenGottesdienste
Vienna English-speaking
- 1. Mose 9,8-17
- 1.Petrus 3,18-22
- Markus 1,9-15

- 1. Mose 17,1-7 und 15-16
- Römer 4,13-25
- Markus 8,31-38

- 2. Mose 20,1-17
- 1.Korinther 1,18-25
- Johannes 2,13-22