ESUMC Newsletter
July 2024
Dear friends in Christ,
Greetings and peace to you all! In recent weeks, our church has been richly blessed by the faith witness of the lay members of ESUMC.
At the UMC in Austria Annual Conference early last month, ESUMC Church Council chairperson Doreen Ighama (pictured below) gave a stirring sermon about the importance of helping one another grow in faith and love, as a response to God's good will for our lives.
Here at ESUMC, our worship services were blessed by the inspired preaching of Tinu Aganga-Williams on Sunday 2 June and George Ackwonu on Sunday 9 June.
And on Youth Sunday 23 June, Amelie Haslinger shared a moving reflection about how the loving and welcoming spirit of our congregation has supported her, and reflected God's love for her, even in moments of difficulty.
These recent faith witnesses by our lay members reveal the truth that our congregation is blessed with an abundance of God-given spiritual gifts. As we give thanks to those who have shared these gifts in recent weeks, let us also prayerfully reflect on how God may be calling each one of us to share our spiritual gifts with others.
This month's newsletter highlights the inauguration of a new Congregational Care Team. As you will read, the purpose of this team is to offer spiritual and practical support to church members who may need our assistance and care.
Friends, we all have spiritual gifts to share. Let us follow the example of these recent witnesses, and offer ourselves in love and service to others.
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

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Vienna English-speaking

für Kinder von 7 bis 12 Jahren im Landes-Jugendhaus in Losenstein.
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Pastor, Kinder- und Jugendwerk

für Jugendliche von 13 bis 17 Jahren im Landes-Jugendhaus in Losenstein.
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Vienna English-speaking
- 2.Samuel 6,1-5 und 12b-19
- Epheser 1,3-14
- Markus 6,14-29

- 2.Samuel 7,1-14a
- Epheser 2,11-22
- Markus 6,30-34 und 53-56

- 2.Samuel 11,1-15
- Epheser 3,14-21
- Johannes 6,1-21

- 2.Samuel 11,16 – 12,13a
- Epheser 4,1-16
- Johannes 6,24-35