

March 2025
News­let­ter March 2025

Dear friends in Christ, Greetings and peace to you! The last few weeks have been marked with joyous and Spirit-filled celebrations of our ministry and community. On 15 February, nearly 50 members and friends of ESUMC gathered for an evening of singing, dancing, drumming, and joyful sharing at our annual Talent Show. We give thanks to Marilyn and Noussi for organizing the presentations and fellowship, and to all who participated and brought refreshments to share. Please see the article below for more details and photos of our talents in action!In worship last Sunday, we heard the word of God preached by our District Superintendent, Pastor Stefan Schröckenfuchs of the Fünfhaus Gemeinde. Following worship, Pastor Stefan led us in our Charge Conference, the annual meeting of the congregation. During the meeting, we reflected upon our ministry over the past year, gave thanks for those who have served selflessly, and asked for God's wisdom as we continue on the path of Christian discipleship. We also received the good news that the renovation works in our sanctuary will begin in early March, and will be finished by the start of our Annual Conference in late May.Below is a photo of our Charge Conference. Thank you, ESUMC youth, for providing baked goods following the worship service; we are grateful for your contributions to our community!Finally, in the articles below please note our upcoming events as we begin the season of Lent, including our Ash Wednesday service of worship on 5 March at 18:30 in the sanctuary, and the Ecumenical Study Day on Saturday 8 March starting at 10:30 on the theme, "Wrestling with the Angel." All are welcome, and advance registration for the study day is requested.As we prepare to enter this season of Lenten prayer and repentance, I pray God's blessings and peace upon you and your loved ones.Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Bild von John Calhoun
John Calhoun


February 2025
News­let­ter February 2025

Dear friends in Christ, I pray that you are well, and that the first weeks of the new year have started with blessings upon you and your loved ones. It has been a joy to worship with you each Sunday, as we celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord Jesus and shine the light and love of God to the world around us.With the start of the new year, we are happy to announce the resumption of two important ministries in our community life.Soup Fellowship. On the second Sunday of each month through the winter season, following worship we shall celebrate Soup Fellowship. This time-honored tradition brings ESUMC members and friends together for a sit-down meal of soup and sandwiches. In sharing a meal, we are blessed to enjoy extended fellowship, meet new friends, and build stronger relationships within the community. We thank the Zahraman family for leading this ministry, and we welcome volunteers to help serve and your donations to offset the costs of the meal.Youth Sunday School. On the third Sunday of every month, our youth aged 13 to 18 will gather during the worship service for a time of conversation and learning designed especially for their interests and needs. We are grateful to Noussi and her team of adult volunteers who will be leading these monthly meetings.In addition to these ongoing ministry programs, please note the following events taking place in the next few weeks: a Young Adults Clothing Exchange and fellowship evening on Monday 10 February,our annual Talent Show on Saturday evening 15 February,our Charge Conference with Superintendent Pastor Stefan Schröckenfuchs following worship on Sunday 23 February,our Ecumenical Study Day on the theme, "Wrestling with the Angel," hosted at ESUMC on Saturday 8 March.We welcome your participation in all of these events. More details are available in the articles below.Finally, we thank Shelley and the children's ministry team of the German-speaking congregation for hosting a joyful Faschingsfest at church on 25 January. It was a fun afternoon of activities, games, crafts, and celebration of our children's creative costumes!We give thanks to God for the spirit of joy and celebration in our community of faith, as we proclaim the love of God to the world.Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Bild von John Calhoun
John Calhoun


January 2025
News­let­ter January 2025

Dear friends in Christ, Again, I wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas! It has been a joy to gather with you in worship during our celebrations of Advent and Christmas, as we have welcomed the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We give thanks to all who made our Advent and Christmas services such a blessed time of worship.And I pray that the start of the new year finds you and your loved ones in good health and Christian spirit. May God continue to bless you in this new year, as together we love God and love others through our words, our deeds, and our witness of faith in Christ our Lord.In this month's newsletter, you will find additional words of thanks to those who have served our ministry over the past month, an invitation to join in upcoming worship and service opportunities, and an update on the ongoing renovation of our sanctuary.In closing, on behalf of our Finance Committee, we give thanks to all who have pledged your financial, volunteer, and prayerful support for our ministry in 2025. As of mid-December, a total of 14 Estimate of Giving forms have been received from members and friends of ESUMC. We thank you all for your continued support of our ministry. If you have not yet submitted your Estimate of Giving for 2025, you may pick up a form in the fellowship area in church, or make your statement of support online via this dedicated link:ESUMC 2025 Estimate of Giving FormAs the Finance Committee shall draw up a church budget for 2025 based on your levels of giving, it is important that we receive your response.May the love and grace of God be with you, as we enter into a new year of worship, praise, and service!Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Bild von John Calhoun
John Calhoun


December 2024
News­let­ter December 2024

Dear friends in Christ,Blessings and peace to you! With the start of December comes the arrival of the season of Advent, the time of the church year when we prepare for the coming of Christ. With joy and thanksgiving, we look forward and ready our hearts and minds for the arrival of our Lord Jesus, the light of the world, born in the city of David.In this newsletter, you will find a listing of the special services of worship in this season of Advent, including our Children's Christmas celebration, a Service of Lesson and Carols, and our Christmas Eve worship with candle lighting and Holy Communion. All services shall be held in our temporary worship space on the first floor of the church, while renovation works in our sanctuary continue (more details below). And please mark the date of Saturday 14 December; from 14:00 to 17:00, the children shall hold their final rehearsal for the Christmas celebration and will decorate our Christmas tree. All families are welcome!Recently in worship, our Finance Committee gave thanks to our church members and friends for your generous prayerful and financial support of our ministry in 2024. We also extend our appreciation to those who have already submitted your Estimate of Giving form for 2025. We are thankful for the financial and spiritual commitment you have made to support our congregation in the coming year.If you have not yet submitted your Estimate of Giving for 2025, you may pick up a form in the fellowship area in church, or make your statement of support online via this dedicated link:ESUMC 2025 Estimate of Giving FormLastly, a brief update on the renovation works in our sanctuary. In recent weeks, the engineering team began removing the old ceiling. This work should be finished by mid-December. Starting in January, the work to install a new ceiling will begin. At present, we do not have a fixed timetable for the completion of the renovation, which also will include the replacement of light fixtures and other improvements to the sanctuary. Again, we thank you for your patience and cooperation in this season of rebirth and renewal.I give you thanks for your faithful support of ESUMC, and pray God's blessings upon you and your loved ones in this holy season.Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Bild von John Calhoun
John Calhoun


November 2024
News­let­ter November 2024

Dear friends in Christ,Greetings and peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus. I give thanks to God for the members of our community for your support and prayers over these past weeks, as I have traveled to the US following the deaths of a dear friend and my father.We appreciate Pastor Tom Garrison and Jerry Barton for delivering inspiring words during the Sunday services in October, and to all our lay leaders for their contributions to the life of our ministry. And we look forward to receiving the message from ESUMC member and UMC Global Mission Fellow Daniel Mohr in worship this Sunday.Please note that our celebration of All Saints' Sunday and the sacrament of Holy Commuion will be on Sunday 10 November.In this newsletter you will find articles and updates regarding the life and ministry of our congregation, including news about Stewardship month and the upcoming Wärmestube season.Due to the ongoing renovation works in our sanctuary, we continue to gather for our Sunday morning worship services in the upstairs fellowship area. As the renovation project takes shape, we shall keep the congregation informed of progress.I wish you a blessed month of November, and look forward to seeing you in worship!Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Bild von John Calhoun
John Calhoun


October 2024
News­let­ter October 2024

Dear friends in Christ,Greetings and peace to you all! At long last, the summer heat has finally abated, and the cool air and autumnal colors have arrived. We give thanks to God for the start of this new season, and for the fresh blessings that have come upon us, our loved ones, and our congregation.With the turn of every new season comes change, and in this moment we have a significant change in our community. As some of you may be aware, early this week a fault was discovered in the ceiling of our church sanctuary. Repair works are now underway, which has led to the temporary closure of our church sanctuary. At present, we are not exactly sure how long the sanctuary will be inaccessible, but we have been told to expect that the repair work could take about two to three months. The repair and renovation shall be coordinated and supervised by the property management office of the UMC in Austria.In light of this development, we have made arrangements for our congregation to gather every Sunday morning at 11:15 in the fellowship area on the first floor of our church building. As you enter from the street into the church, our ushers will guide you to this temporary worship space. Sunday School for children shall continue every Sunday as usual, and Coffee Hour Fellowship will be held in the downstairs fellowship area following worship.Unfortunately, the online worship livestream will not be available this Sunday 29 September. We hope to have the livestream available again soon. Also, this development will impact our plan to celebrate Harvest Festival on Sunday 20 October. I will keep the congregation updated regarding this important event.On behalf of our Church Council, I thank you for your understanding and support. As we shall be sharing these common spaces with our friends from the German-speaking congregation, we appreciate the patience and flexibility of both communities. I look forward to gathering with you in this more intimate space, as we continue our mission of loving and serving God and others.Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Bild von John Calhoun
John Calhoun


15 September 2024
Special note about Sunday 15 September 2024

Dear members and friends of ESUMC,Please be advised!As of Sunday 15 September at 9:00 am, portions of the U4 and U6 lines are closed due to high water, including the U4/U6 station Längenfeldgasse and U4 station Meidling Hauptstrasse.We will have our Sunday worship service today as usual, but please take care in traveling. If you cannot make it to church, please stay at home and join us online, at in Christ, Pastor John

Bild von John Calhoun
John Calhoun


September 2024
News­let­ter September 2024

Dear friends in Christ,Greetings and peace to you! I pray that your summer season has been blessed. Thank you for your warm greetings as I returned to our church community last Sunday following my short holiday. It was a blessing to be reunited with you in our service of worship. On behalf of our congregation, I again offer our heartfelt thanks to the Rev. Dr. Tom Garrison for leading worship and preaching the gospel during my vacation. Pastor Tom is a true friend of our congregation, and we give thanks to God that this faithful brother in Christ is always willing to joyfully share his spiritual gifts with our community. In this edition of our monthly newsletter, you shall read of a number of ministry programs and activities that shall begin in the coming weeks, including the resumption of Sunday School for our children, our annual congregational BBQ and potluck (see the photo from last year, below), and a preview of our fall Harvest Festival.Join us in the month of September for worship and fellowship, as we give thanks and praise to the Lord our God.Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Bild von John Calhoun
John Calhoun


August 2024
News­let­ter August 2024

Dear friends in Christ,Greetings and peace to you! I pray that you and your loved ones are well and enjoying a blessed summer season.One of the highlights of the ESUMC community every summer is the celebration of Vacation Bible School (VBS). And this year was no different! Last week, twelve children from our community joined together for a week of learning, games, spiritual growth, and fun fellowship in our church and neighborhood.The theme of VBS 2024 was "Growing God's Garden." Every day, our VBS volunteer leaders shared a reading and led a discussion of Scripture, and organized games and activities based on the daily theme related to creation. On Friday, VBS journeyed to a nearby park for a scavenger hunt and other learning activities in nature.We give our great thanks to all who participated in VBS: to Shelley Brauneis and Noussi Zahraman for organizing the week; to Sophie Anusie for leading the musical program; to Daniel Mohr and Rania Zahraman for teaching the Bible and offering story time; to Natalie Agyemang and Victoria Sseruwagi for helping to lead activities; to Betty Brustmann, Sigrid Schulzer-Anusie and Deborah Koll-Petty for providing meals and snacks; and to all our children for helping to make the week a time of spirited joy! Please see the brief article below for more photos.Finally, on a personal note, my family and I will be on vacation during 5-21 August, visiting relatives and friends in the US south and midwest. Our good friend Rev. Tom Garrison will be preaching and leading worship on Sunday 11 and 18 August. I thank you for welcoming Pastor Tom with your love and appreciation.May God bless you all with a peaceful and joyous end to the summer season. And remember to register for our upcoming Barbecue and Hike in Grünbach, taking place on Saturday 7 September; see more information below.Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Bild von John Calhoun
John Calhoun


July 2024
News­let­ter July 2024

Dear friends in Christ,Greetings and peace to you all! In recent weeks, our church has been richly blessed by the faith witness of the lay members of ESUMC.At the UMC in Austria Annual Conference early last month, ESUMC Church Council chairperson Doreen Ighama (pictured below) gave a stirring sermon about the importance of helping one another grow in faith and love, as a response to God's good will for our lives.Here at ESUMC, our worship services were blessed by the inspired preaching of Tinu Aganga-Williams on Sunday 2 June and George Ackwonu on Sunday 9 June.And on Youth Sunday 23 June, Amelie Haslinger shared a moving reflection about how the loving and welcoming spirit of our congregation has supported her, and reflected God's love for her, even in moments of difficulty.These recent faith witnesses by our lay members reveal the truth that our congregation is blessed with an abundance of God-given spiritual gifts. As we give thanks to those who have shared these gifts in recent weeks, let us also prayerfully reflect on how God may be calling each one of us to share our spiritual gifts with others.This month's newsletter highlights the inauguration of a new Congregational Care Team. As you will read, the purpose of this team is to offer spiritual and practical support to church members who may need our assistance and care.Friends, we all have spiritual gifts to share. Let us follow the example of these recent witnesses, and offer ourselves in love and service to others.Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Bild von John Calhoun
John Calhoun


June 2024
News­let­ter June 2024

Dear friends in Christ,Grace and peace to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus, and greetings from Graz!This weekend, pastors and lay leaders from all United Methodist congregations in Austria have gathered here in Graz for the Annual Conference of the UMC in Austria. ESUMC is also represented at this event by Simone Viljoen, our lay delegate to the Annual Conference, and by Doreen Ighama, our Church Council chairperson and member of the UMC in Austria leadership council.It is a blessing for us to represent ESUMC at this national gathering of the United Methodist Church. In the coming weeks, Simone and I will be sharing news and highlights of the conference. We thank you for your prayerful support of this gathering.As you will see below, here at ESUMC in June there are a number of special worship and fellowship events planned, as we celebrate God's love for us and for all God's people. Please join us as we not only open the doors of our church to our community, but also look for ways to take the Spirit of God out of the sanctuary and offer Christian love and care to others who need our support.Finally, join us in worship on Sunday 23 June as we close the Sunday School year and celebrate our graduates. If you or a member of your household has recently graduated (or will soon graduate) from school, university, or other degree program, please contact me with the details. And may I remind our families to register your child(ren) for Vacation Bible School, to be held at church during 22-26 July; see the article below for registration details.May God's blessings and peace be with you all!Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Bild von John Calhoun
John Calhoun


May 2024
News­let­ter May 2024

Dear Friends in Christ,Greetings and peace to you! What a blessing it was to join together in worship this past Sunday to celebrate the music ministry of our congregation on Music Sunday!We give thanks to God for the members and directors of our choirs, our accompanists on the piano and organ, and all who lifted up their voices and spirits in praise and thanksgiving to God. Most especially, we give thanks to God for Marilyn, ESUMC's musical director, for designing and organizing our service of worship.It was also a blessing to see so many of our younger generation in church, taking part in Children's Time and adding their voices to our Sing Out Choir under Deborah's fine direction. We thank you, children and youth, for sharing your faith.As we have mentioned, due to the growing number of children in our Sunday School ministry, we are seeking volunteers to serve as teachers and classrooms assistants. To learn more or to volunteer, please speak with me or our Sunday School coordinator Shelley Brauneis. Thank you for supporting this vital ministry of our church.To the parents of our children and youth, please see the articles below regarding the closing of Sunday School and the celebration of our graduates in June, the dates of Vacation Bible School in July, and an invitation to take part in the UMC of Austria children's and youth week in August (for which the registration date has been extended).May God's blessings and peace be with you!Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Bild von John Calhoun
John Calhoun


Mid-April 2024
Mid-April 2024 Update

Dear friends in Christ,Thank you for your support this past Sunday, as we offered prayer of thanks to our members who have completed a term of church committee service, and installed those members recently elected or re-elected to committee positions. We give thanks to God for all those who serve the ministry of our church, both on Sundays and throughout the week. Please see the article below for more details.As I mentioned during the Sunday service, at present we are seeking volunteers to serve as Sunday School teachers and classroom assistants. In recent months, we have seen our children's participation in Sunday School steadily increase, which is a great blessing. However, we need more adults to help us provide instruction and supervision.Please consider volunteering for this vital ministry. Feel free to speak with me or Shelley Brauneis, our Sunday School coordinator, if you have questions or need more information.We invite you to worship with us this Sunday 21 April as the message shall be given by ESUMC member Daniel Mohr, a UMC Global Mission Fellow serving with the Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe. Be aware that Sunday 21 April is the Vienna City Marathon. Some streets in the area of the church will be closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic. To reach the church, take the U4 to Meidling Hauptstrasse, cross under the Linke Wienzeile, and walk north to Sechshauser Strasse.And join us on Sunday 28 April as we celebrate Music Sunday! ESUMC choirs and special musicians will lead us in a joyful service, based on the theme, "The Presence of the Lord Is in this Place!"Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Bild von John Calhoun
John Calhoun


April 2024
News­let­ter April 2024

Dear friends in Christ,Greetings in the name of our risen Lord Jesus Christ, and Happy Easter! I pray that your celebration of the resurrection has been a joyous time of thanksgiving.It was a great blessing to gather in our sanctuary these last few days, as together we commemorated the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. I express my gratitude to all our church members who helped to lead our services of worship, by offering special music or accompaniment, reading the Scripture lessons of the Passion, teaching our children, lifting up prayers, and providing for altar decorations and Holy Communion.With this newsletter we share information on upcoming events and worship services in the life of the community. I pray that our celebration of Easter will newly inspire you to engage in Christian worship and fellowship, and find ways to love and serve others in the name of our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Bild von John Calhoun
John Calhoun


Mid-March 2024
Mid-March 2024 Update

Dear friends in Christ,I pray that God's blessings and peace have been upon you and your loved ones in this holy season of Lent. May this time of repentance and renewal refresh your spirits and remind you of the merciful love of God.Below you will find information and updates regarding our ministry this month. Please allow me to highlight the following:This Sunday, 17 March at 10:30, we will celebrate a special joint worship service with our fellow Christians from the Fünfhaus Gemeinde. Joining us for worship shall be members of the UMC Central Conference Executive Committee who will be meeting in our building during the week. Our guest preacher shall be Bishop Stefan Zürcher, the newly elected bishop for our episcopal area. Special music will be offered by our African Singers and Drummers. We ask ESUMC members and friends to bring finger foods to share during the fellowship hour after worship.On Saturday 23 March, all are invited to participate in "Growing Together: A Study of First Corinthians," a spiritual retreat to bless our Lenten journey, to be led by the Revd Dr. Robert Kinney and sponsored by the ecumenical English-speaking community in Vienna. ESUMC is the host for this event; details can be found below. Registration closes this Sunday 17 March.And during Holy Week, we shall gather for worship at ESUMC as follows:Sunday 24 March at 11:15, Palm Sunday with the procession of the palmsThursday 28 March at 18:30, Maundy Thursday service of Footwashing and Holy CommunionFriday 29 March at 12:30, Ecumenical Good Friday service (at Christ Church Anglican, Jaurèsgasse 17-19, 1030 Vienna)Friday 29 March at 17:30, Good Friday serviceSaturday 30 March at 20:00, lighting of the Holy Fire in the church courtyardSunday 31 March at 11:15, Easter Sunday service of Holy CommunionJoin us for worship in this holy season, and may the peace of Christ be with you all.Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Bild von John Calhoun
John Calhoun



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